Since 2017 I have been the official photographer of the Portuguese Association of Historical Reenactment (APRH).
This work has contributed immensely to the tremendous development of my skills as a photographer, both portrait and motion, as I often have to be quick and adapt to changing circumstances and scenarios - and keep the camera steady even when I'm photographing a cannon firing, oftentimes, just inches away from me!

Cannon blast at Vimeiro Battle reenactment

The historical recreation of the Siege of Almeida. An apparently simple photograph that, in fact, was one of the most difficult I've ever taken, not only because it was night photography with movement and no control whatsoever on the subject, as it was in the middle of the battlefield, in the midst of shooting pieces of light and heavy artillery - yes, cannons! - and running cavalry. The smoke isn't special effects, it's gunshot smoke.